Fetching corporate bank data

This guide describes how to get data for corporate bank accounts.

The APIs

There are a few things you should know about the APIs:

  • The corporate data product supports 3 APIs: accounts, transactions and balances.
  • The V2 UAE APIs are built so that they require minimal changes in your code to support V2 APIs for our other regions (KSA, as of now)
  • The APIs use pagination so you will need to support that in your integration
  • For any of the APIs, if you pass verbose=true as a query parameter, in addition to receiving the data in the standardised format for all regions, you will receive the data in the regional format in the field regional_data (check the Corporate data API reference for more detail)

Fetch accounts data

Once you have an entity_id you can now make calls to /data/v2/accounts endpoints (see Corporate data accounts API reference).

Accounts request

curl -X GET 'https://sandbox.leantech.me/data/v2/accounts?entity_id=3d586d40-04d9-4657-80b7-65bb8cce1e9a&verbose=true' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'lean-app-token: YOUR_APP_TOKEN' \

Accounts response

	"status": "OK",
	"data": {
		"accounts": [
				"account_id": "142c5989-61e7-49e8-a622-ee850a4262f2",
				"status": "ENABLED",
				"status_update_date_time": null,
				"currency": "AED",
				"account_type": "PERSONAL",
				"account_sub_type": "SAVINGS",
				"nickname": "SAVINGS ACCOUNT",
				"opening_date": null,
				"account": [
						"scheme_name": "IBAN",
						"identification": "AE440260000215588955401",
						"name": null
						"scheme_name": "BBAN",
						"identification": "0215588955401",
						"name": null
				"servicer": null,
				"description": "SAVINGS ACCOUNT",
				"maturity_date": null,
				"regional_data": {
					"standard": "ARE.LEAN.V1",
					"data": {
						"account_id": "142c5989-61e7-49e8-a622-ee850a4262f2",
						"account_number": "0215588955401",
						"name": "SAVINGS ACCOUNT",
						"currency_code": "AED",
						"type": "SAVINGS",
						"iban": "AE440260000215588955401",
						"credit": null
		"page": {
			"number": 0,
			"size": 1,
			"total_elements": 1,
			"total_pages": 1
		"type": "accounts"
	"results_id": "32ad4dd7-f1e2-4c7c-889b-298a69cfea9b",
	"message": "Data successfully retrieved",
	"meta": null,
	"timestamp": "2023-07-13T08:53:47.772261577Z",
	"status_detail": null

After making an /accounts call you should save the account_id field from the response, as this will be used to make Balance and Transaction calls on the associated accounts.

Fetch balances and transactions data

Once you have an account_id for a specific account, you can now make calls for balance and transaction data.

Balances returns an overview of the cash position and type of the account (see Corporate data balances API reference). Transactions returns an array of transaction objects (see Corporate data transactions API reference), you can also request for this to be returned with categorisation with the insights: true flag (more details please check our Categorisation guide).