Sandbox testing
Lean SAMA Open Banking MockBanks
Usage of the LinkSDK in Sandbox mode will enable 'Lean SAMA Open Banking MockBank' and other SAMA compliant MockBanks as providers. Mockbanks allow you to connect sample users and test the various states of your application to make sure you're ready for production data.
Mockbanks behave the same way as live banks, providing data and sending webhooks.
Sandbox Test User
In order to test the LinkSDK flow on sandbox, you should connect to a ' SAMA MockBank' using the credentials provided under the "Integration" section (as shown in the screenshot)

Sandbox SAMA test user credentials
Capturing Webhooks
You can test our API's directly from your terminal or Postman without building your backend, however key information is delivered via webhook.
While in sandbox, and no live data is being sent, you can use a webhook catcher to view the webhook data being sent:
LinkSDK Testing
We've provided a simple HTML wrapper on github to get started with creating entities in the Sandbox. Simply clone the repository and update the values with your own.
Updated 3 months ago