React Native
How to integrate
Lean's React Native SDK is available as a package under the name lean-react-native
via npm or yarn
yarn add lean-react-native
npm install lean-react-native
If you don't already have react-native-webview
added to your project you should also install it:
yarn add react-native-webview
npm install --save react-native-webview
New you need to update your pods by navigating to the iOS folder:
cd ios
pod install
You need to create a ref
to the LinkSDK component in order to call any of the LinkSDK functions like so:
import React, { useRef } from 'react'
import { View, TouchableOpacity, Text } from 'react-native'
import LinkSDK from 'lean-react-native'
const App = () => {
const Lean = useRef(null)
return (
onPress={() => Lean.current.connect({ customer_id: "CUSTOMER_ID" })}
<Text>Connect Account</Text>
export default App
Choosing a version
When calling Lean.manager.setup
a version is required.
Version takes a String and can point to either a specific SDK version i.e. "latest" or an alias i.e. "latest".
appToken: String,
sandbox: true,
version: "latest"
We recommend passing in a specific version to ensure stability in the case that a change to the SDK breaks your application.
Available Versions
Specific Version semver
The current stable build is 1.25.0
latest alias
is an alias for the current release. It is subject to change at relatively short notice - but does allow for any bug fixes to be shipped over the air - meaning fixes can be applied without the need to resubmit your application to the app store.
next-release alias
is a QA version of the SDK allowing you to test the next version that will become latest before we roll out the changes, this should only be used for development and QA purposes as it is subject to breakage without any warning.
Available Methods
The connect
method is used to enable a customer to use a single log in to create and Entity
and a PaymentSource
for use with the Data API and Payments API respectively.
app_token: "YOUR_APP_ID",
customer_id: "YOUR_CUSTOMER_ID",
permissions: ["identity", "accounts", "balance", "transactions", "identities",
"scheduledPayments", "standingOrders", "directDebits", "beneficiaries"],
bank_identifier: "LEAN_MB1",
sandbox: "false",
callback: myCallback,
fail_redirect_url: "YOUR_FAIL_REDIRECT_URL",
success_redirect_url: "YOUR_SUCCESS_REDIRECT_URL"
By providing a callback into the component, the LinkSDK will report back with the below object on SDK close, completion or error.
The responseObject
returned to your callback function is in the following format:
"status": "SUCCESS",
"message": "User successfully connected their account",
"last_api_response": "SUCCESS",
"exit_point": "SUCCESS",
"secondary_status": "SUCCESS",
"bank": {
"bank_identifier": "LEA1_RETAIL_SAU",
"is_supported": true
status enum
The end status of the LinkSDK at close.
Status | Reason |
SUCCESS | The initiated flow was completed successfully |
CANCELLED | The initiated flow was cancelled by the user |
ERROR | The SDK or user experienced an error - the details for the error are available in the message and secondary_status . |
message string
Further details on the end state. May be null
last_api_response string
Details on the last response status from the Lean API. May be null
exit_point enum
The last screen displayed before the user exited the SDK.
value | screen |
INITIAL | The first screen displayed to users |
BANK_SELECTION | The bank list screen |
OPEN_BANKING | Open banking redirect initiation |
UNSUPPORTED_BANK_REQUEST | The unsupported bank list screen |
SUCCESS | The success screen |
FAIL | The failure screen |
secondary_status enum
Further details on failures. May be null
bank object
Details on the bank selected by the user.
| The Lean identifier for the bank. |
| Whether the bank is supported by Lean or not (is false when a user selects a bank through the 'My bank is not listed' button) |
Unsupported banks
Your users can indicate that their bank is not supported. When this happens, the callback from the LinkSDK will contain a false
flag in the bank
"status": "CANCELLED",
"message": "User cancelled the operation",
"last_api_response": "CANCELLED",
"secondary_status": "CANCELLED",
"bank": {
"bank_identifier": "LEA1_MOCK_RETAIL_SAU",
"is_supported": false
Skip Bank List
In some use cases you may want to provide your own UI for the bank selection screen in the LinkSDK. This can be achieved by passing in a bank_identifier
during the `.connect() flows.
You can get a list of available bank_identifiers
for your application by making a call to the /banks/
curl -X GET '' \
--header 'lean-app-token: 2c9a80897169b1dd01716a0339e30003' \
--ca-cert ca.pem \
--cert cert.crt \
--key key.pem
"identifier": "LEA1_RETAIL_SAU",
"name": "Lean Open Banking MockBank",
"logo": "",
"logo_alt": "",
"main_color": "#1beb75",
"background_color": "#ffffff",
"theme": "light",
"country_code": "SAU",
"active": true,
"mock": true,
"bank_type": "RETAIL",
"traits": [
"supported_account_types": [
You can then use the bank identifier
directly with the LinkSDK to skip the bank selection screen:
app_token: "Your App Token",
permissions: [
"identity", "accounts", "balance", "transactions", "identities",
"scheduled_payments", "standing_orders", "direct_debits", "beneficiaries"
customer_id: "Your Customer ID",
sandbox: "true",
bank_identifier: "LEA1_RETAIL_SAU",
fail_redirect_url: "YOUR_FAIL_REDIRECT_URL",
success_redirect_url: "YOUR_SUCCESS_REDIRECT_URL",
Changing the SDK language
Link SDK is available in English and Arabic, fully supported with a right-to-left UI, including text alignment, icons and images. If no language is provided the default is English.
app_token: "2c9a80897169b1dd01716a0339e30003",
customer_id: "552e8102b3c14401a36ac14fadab94de",
permissions: ["identity","accounts","balance","transactions", "identities", "scheduledPayments", "standingOrders", "directDebits", "beneficiaries"],
sandbox: true,
fail_redirect_url: "YOUR_FAIL_REDIRECT_URL",
success_redirect_url: "YOUR_SUCCESS_REDIRECT_URL",
language: "ar"
Language option
language enum
| English |
| Arabic |
Webview crashes on Android
You can disable hardware acceleration on the webview by passing android specific props into the webview:
androidHardwareAccelerationDisabled: true,
appToken: "YOUR_APP_TOKEN"
sandbox: false
JDK version issues on Android
You may get gradle errors if you have a different JDK on the development system compared to the local JDK delivered with the Android SDK. The solution is to set set JAVA_HOME in gradlew or gradlew.bat to point to the SDK JDK path. On Windows:
SET JAVA_HOME="\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre"
Updated 3 months ago