Data errors are defined as responses 200 for the Data API where status=FAILED. As part of the the response you will receive granular_status_code and status_additional_info. See the documentation on the Data API for more detail.

StatusDescriptionWhat to do
EU_ACCOUNT_LOCKEDYour online account has been locked by your bank. This can be confirmed by trying to log in to your bank's mobile application or website which will also give you more details about how to unlock your account. Once your account is unlocked, you will be able to successfully connect.Prompt the user to contact the bank to unlock the account. You can use the status_additional_info field as the copywrite to display.
LOGGED_IN_ELSEWHEREThe bank rejected the connection because you logged into your bank account on another device. Please try again without logging in to your online banking elsewhere.Wait for some time before making a new request. This should resolve itself within a few minutes to a few hours.
BANK_ISSUEYour bank is currently experiencing technological problems. Please try again later.Wait for some time before making a new request. This is outside of Lean's control but should resolve itself within a few hours.
UNSEEN_BANK_ERRORYour bank has reported an error, please try again later. If this error continues, please contact customer service.Wait for some time before making a new request as this might be an intermittent issue. If the issue persists, contact Lean.
BANK_MAINTENANCEYour bank is currently undergoing technical maintenance and online services are unavailable. Please try again later.Wait for some time before making a new request. This is outside of Lean's control but should resolve itself within a few hours.
LEAN_ERRORWe are unable to process this request, please try again later. If you continue to see this error, please get in touch with customer support with the support code below.Wait for some time before making a new request as this might be an intermittent issue. If the issue persists, contact Lean.
EU_FUNCTIONALITY_RESTRICTEDYour bank has restricted functionality on your account. Please try to log in to your bank's online web portal to resolve any issues or requirements.Prompt the user to contact the bank. You can use the status_additional_info field as the copywrite to display.
KNOWN_UNSUPPORTED_MFA_BEHAVIOURWe are unable to process this request, please try again later. If you continue to see this error, please get in touch with customer support with the support code below.Contact Lean.
KNOWN_TRAFFIC_OUTSIDE_ALLOWED_REGIONWe were unable to process this request because you have not enabled this service on your account. To enable this, login to your online banking portal or mobile application and enable this functionality before trying again.Contact Lean.
DISABLED_BY_LEANThis functionality has been temporarily disabled for this bank. Please try again later.You should have received a webhook indicating the bank has been disabled. You should disable it on your side and reenable it once you receive a webhook indicating the bank has been reenabled.
DISABLED_BY_CLIENTThis application has temporarily disabled functionality for this bank. Please try again later.Reenable the bank from the Lean dashboard.
ACTIVE_SESSION_EXISTSThe same bank account is being accessed by another application or by your own application for a different customer.Wait for some time before making a new request. This should resolve itself within a few minutes to a few hours.
DUPLICATED_REQUESTA request to this endpoint has already been made for the same entity and associated parameters. Please wait for the response or wait for one minute before making another request.Wait for 1 minute before repeating the same request.