How to use Lean's categorisation

The categorisation product provides a category for each transaction that you retrieve from your customer's bank account. The list of categories are the following:

BANK_FEES_AND_CHARGESTransactions relating to bank fees and charges
CHARITYTransactions relating to charitable causes
EDUCATIONTransactions relating to education, e.g.: school, university, courses
ENTERTAINMENTTransactions relating to entertainment, e.g.: cinema, Netflix
GOVERNMENTTransactions relating to government, e.g.: taxes, fines
GROCERIESTransactions relating to food shopping
HEALTH_AND_WELLBEINGTransactions relating to health, e.g.: prescriptions, wellbeing, yoga
LOANS_AND_INVESTMENTTransactions relating to loans and investments, e.g.: dividends, loan repayments
RENT_AND_SERVICESTransactions relating to household utilities and rent
RESTAURANTS_DININGTransactions relating to dining and takeaways
RETAILTransactions relating to shopping
SALARY_AND_REVENUETransactions relating to income sources
TRANSFERTransactions relating to direct money movements, e.g.: transfers, cash withdrawals
TRANSPORTTransactions relating to domestic travel, e.g.: metro, cabs
TRAVELTransactions relating to international travel, e.g.: hotels, flights
OTHERTransactions which could not be accurately classified

How to use it

The categorisation product is NOT a separate API. You can retrieve the categories for the transactions for your customers by making an API request to the transactions API with insights=true. This will return an object that contains a cleansed description, the category and the category confidence (i.e.: how certain Lean is that the transaction belongs to that category). For more details please see our API reference for retail data and our API reference for corporate data.